Men's Ministry

“I am about to go the way of all the earth. Be strong, and show yourself a man, and keep the charge of the Lord your God, walking in his ways..." (1 Kgs 2:2–3)

David encouraged Solomon to "prove yourself a man." We need the same encouragement and instruction today. Being a godly man demands that we walk with the Lord. This is easier to do when godly men rise up together. The Bartlett Woods Men's Ministry seeks to provide a space for men to encourage one another to lead, grow, and serve God. 


Dudes, Meat, and Fire | A time of fellowship for boys and men of all ages around a bonfire.

Men's Prayer Breakfast | An intentional time of prayer and fellowship before the day begins for men of all ages.

Service Opportunities


Please refer to the Events page or the weekly Compass for the specific dates and times of these events.